A new, independent coffee shop in town? A thrift store I've been avoiding but that I might be surprised to discover is filled with treasures? A matinee at a theatre that shows old movies?
Julia Cameron advises a weekly artist date in her book The Artist's Way: a Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. Like the "morning pages" that I blogged about earlier, Cameron tells us the scheduled date is a commitment an artist needs to make to herself.
The artist date is a preplanned block of time set aside to nurture one's creativity, an excursion of some sort that the artist takes with no other company than her inner artist or "artist child."
The artist needs to refresh the artistic reservoir from time to time. "When we work at our art," Cameron writes, "we dip into the well of our experience and scoop out images." We need to put some fresh images back.
Cameron suggests that in filling the well, we need to think fun, think delight.
So, where should we go first, my artist child and I?
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