A month or two ago the work on Growing Up Ivy was coming to an end, the latest novel was having its necessary "jell" time in the drawer, and summer and outdoor chores seemed a long way off. So what do I do? I join a weekly study group at my church and enroll in an online college course on understanding literature.
But now, as publicity for Growing Up Ivy ramps up, I have a list of interview questions from several sources requiring intelligent answers, and I have reading to do and assignments to submit, and the novel-in-progress is calling to me. Forget that the windows haven't been cleaned since last fall, and there are seedlings waiting to set out into the garden. I start to feel the familiar anxiety.
I have to remind myself that t'was ever thus. It'll all sort itself out in the end.
In the meantime, write on!
I'm sure you'll get all the important things done! It's exciting that "Ivy" is almost out. I won't tell you how long it's been since our windows were washed....
I'm glad I'm not the only one, Willow. Funny how our priorities change as we get older, isn't it?
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